
How to Optimize Your Supply Chain with Air Freight

October 20, 2023
Ram Radhakrishnan
Founder & CEO


Explore the potential of air freight in modern supply chain management. Uncover how it offers more than just speed, providing agility in unpredictable times, enhancing inventory strategies, and shortening lead times. Dive in to discover how businesses are leveraging air freight for success, and learn how Silq can elevate your supply chain strategy.

The intricacies of modern supply chain management require keen insights and the ability to adapt to rapid changes. Amidst these evolving complexities, air freight stands out as a key player, transforming the traditional dynamics of logistics. Beyond the undeniable advantage of speed, air freight offers multifaceted benefits that touch on vital areas like inventory management, JIT delivery, and lead time reductions.

The Inventory Guessing Game

Inventory management has long been a delicate dance for supply chain professionals. Given how the 20s began, inventory management has swung to either extreme and, for a time, was less of a science and more of a guessing game. Between unprecedented surges in demand, historical shipping delays, and environmental disasters, supply chain managers have had to move quickly, thinking on their feet, in order to keep materials and products flowing smoothly throughout the supply chain. 

Lately, it seems that as soon as one issue in the supply chain has been corrected or addressed, another is ready to take its place. With geopolitical tensions mounting, the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, and now the mounting conflict between Israel and Palestine, supply chains have never been more tenuous and unpredictable. While many companies are making efforts to reshore their supply chain to build resilience, speed, and agility. 

Air freight, with its rapid transit capability, allows businesses to maintain optimal inventory levels by assuring timely stock replenishments. This quick response capability means businesses can maintain a lean inventory model, minimizing holding costs and ensuring products remain current in response to shifting market demands.

Furthermore, the nature of certain products demands air freight. Perishable goods, high-value items, or products with a short life cycle benefit immensely from the speed of air transit, ensuring they reach the market while still retaining their value.

Striking the Balance Between JIT and JIC

The concept of Just-in-Time (JIT) revolutionized manufacturing. But its core principle of reducing waste by ensuring precision-timed deliveries demands an impeccable logistics backbone. In short, everything needs to move smoothly, or it all comes to a screeching halt, as we saw during the pandemic. 

However, when shipping times became an uncertainty, a number of companies took a hard turn in the opposite direction, moving from just-in-time to just-in-case (JIC). With JIC, companies keep a safety stock that allows them to keep moving in the event of a supply chain disruption. This philosophy has its own drawbacks, as safety stock runs a higher risk of becoming damaged or obsolete. 

Ultimately, the path ahead is somewhere between the two extremes, and here, air freight shines brightly.

Air freight, with its precision and speed, can augment the traditional ocean freight supply chain. The ability to get products from manufacturers to assembly lines or from distributors to consumers within extremely tight windows. In industries like automotive or electronics, where components come from diverse global sources, air freight ensures that production lines aren't halted due to a missing part.

Shattering Lead Time Barriers

Time is often the defining factor in a supply chain's efficiency. In our interconnected world, customers expect shorter delivery times, and businesses demand quicker turnarounds from suppliers.

When it comes to speed, air freight dramatically shortens the gap between order and delivery. Especially in international trade, where sea freight can take weeks, air freight delivers in days, sometimes hours. This speed doesn't just lead to satisfied customers but also creates a ripple effect throughout the supply chain. Shorter lead times mean faster inventory turnover, improved cash flows, and the ability to quickly adapt to market feedback.

A Glimpse into Modern-Day Supply Chain Challenges

The world of supply chain management has faced numerous disruptions in recent times. From trade wars to pandemics, supply chain professionals have found themselves navigating uncharted waters. Amid these challenges, air freight has emerged as a stabilizing force, offering businesses the agility and speed required to maintain optimal operations.

Atlas Traders: A Hypothetical Dive

Imagine Atlas Traders, a leading distributor of gourmet foods from various global locales to upscale restaurants in bustling urban centers. While Atlas Traders is fictional, the challenges it faces mirror the real-world complexities of the current logistics landscape.

Atlas Traders' Conundrum:

As the demand for exotic gourmet foods surged, Atlas was under pressure to maintain a steady supply. Their food items, ranging from fresh truffles to artisanal cheeses, had a limited shelf life, making timely deliveries paramount. Traditionally, they relied on a mix of ocean and ground freight, which, in the face of global disruptions, became increasingly unreliable.

Issues multiplied:

  • Geopolitical tensions resulted in unexpected port closures.
  • Ocean freight faced prolonged delays, with containers often stranded mid-journey.
  • Ground transportation struggled with changing border regulations.

The result? Perishable goods were at risk, and Atlas's reputation with elite restaurants was on the brink of tatters.

A Shift in Strategy: Embracing Air Freight

Recognizing the need for change, Atlas Traders turned to air freight as a strategic pivot:

  • Rapid Replenishments: With flights ensuring swift deliveries, Atlas could operate with a lean inventory, relying on frequent replenishments. This reduced wastage from perishables going bad and ensured that restaurants received only the freshest ingredients.
  • Balancing JIT and JIC: With the uncertainties in global supply chains, Atlas needed to strike a balance between Just-In-Time and Just-In-Case. Air freight allowed them to maintain a smaller safety stock, knowing they could quickly replenish using the speed of air transit.
  • Reducing Lead Times: The luxury restaurants that Atlas served promised their patrons fresh, exotic dishes. Air freight ensured that from a truffle farm in France to a Michelin-starred restaurant in Tokyo, the lead time was minimized. This speed and efficiency transformed Atlas from just a distributor to a valued partner for these establishments.

Future-Proofing the Supply Chain

Atlas Traders' journey underscores the value of air freight in today's unpredictable global trade environment. While challenges are aplenty, the strategic use of air transit offers businesses a way to remain resilient, agile, and efficient.

For companies navigating the intricate maze of modern logistics, integrating air freight is not just an option—it's a strategic imperative. With disruptions set to continue, the blend of speed, reliability, and flexibility that air freight offers will be a cornerstone of successful supply chain operations.

Discover the Power of Air Freight with Silq

Harness the potential of air freight to navigate the unpredictable terrains of global trade. At Silq, our expertise in air freight logistics ensures you stay ahead of the curve, delivering products swiftly and efficiently, no matter the global scenario.

Dive into the realm of Silq and revolutionize your logistics strategy. Explore Silq's air freight solutions and transform your supply chain journey.

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